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N Las Vegas, NV, United States
I have been working on homes and the sort almost my whole life, I'm no expert, who is? I can walk you through that tile repair, garbage disposal and painting. The list is long, but not impossible! Lets get to it. Email Questions or Ideas to me at lvrepairguy@gmail.com


"If it can't be done, We can do it".
"If it's Impossible, it'll just take us a little longer"!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Tile Repair Part 3

Okay, the tiles are set and the thin set hard.
1st, remove the spacers with needle nose pliers, be careful not to chip that tile you just replaced! Wipe all the tiles with clean water. Again, cleanliness is next to... But enough of the philosophy lesson, that's a different blog. We're ready to grout. Mix enough grout w/ water to do the whole job (you can add some latex additive here). Mix almost as thick as the thin set. Get the float
and blop some grout on the tiles(s), spread it around making sure to fill in the spaces between the tiles, this is important! Let it set a little, then get the float and clean up any excess you have, put this back in the bucket. Only do a few tiles at a time, you don't want the grout drying (if it does start, add some water). Keep cleaning until all the excess grout is gone, use the sponge to make the level of grout in between appear as the existing grout. This can be done by using a slightly wet sponge and working it in the spaces. The tiles should look clean and wet. After a while they will cloud up a little ( drying), a clean rag or better yet, some cheesecloth will solve this. Wait until completely dry and wipe them off. It might take a couple of passes to get them clean. Now here some pros use a sealant (after the grout is dry). Your call. The grout is going to stain down the road anyway, even w/ the sealant. If it's light colored grout it's probably a different color/shade anyhow. It will match as the tile gets walked on and mopped. Again stay off tiles until dry.
Clean up like usual, blah, blah. Next wall tile. See ya'

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